We teach to learn
Especially Science, Mathematics, English. Not bound to books.
With practicals-activities, testing-analysis.
Appropriate encouragement.
With practicals-activities, testing- analysis.
Healthy competition. Appropriate encouragement.
General Mathematics, Gen Science, Gen English.
Teaching experience more than 35 years.
Tests of all levels, accurate analysis. Appropriate encouragement.
Class Room Teaching in ON since 1985.
ON now also but a pause due to COVID-19.
Hopeful to resume soon.
Fee starts with zero to …….. so that every one can have quality education.
Wards of army personnel belonging to any part of army are exempted 50% of fee with salute.
Wards of Govt Polytechnic College,Bikaner(Raj) staff on duty or retired will be charged no fee with honour.
A very nice-smart part of modern education. Getting my self and the Team prepared for the same.
This second inning of mine will also be equally helpful and useful to all.
Live direct online classes will surely establish new milestones in the world of perfect-quality education.
Fee starts with zero to ……… so that every one can have equal right on quality education.
Regular testing-assessment-analysis is the strength of quality education.
We’ll provide regular tests as for last 35 years but now both online-offline and in pdf as well.
Live mock tests will also be conducted.
Attractive useful-helpful encouragement through prizes and awards on Independence Day Celebrations.